On February 22, 2025, GSI will begin a planned upgrade its cloud resource subscriptions inside Microsoft Azure to enable enhanced engineering and configuration support from cloud solution provider One Neck.
We anticipate this migration process will result in brief downtime between 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM EST on February 22. Users are advised to avoid accessing GSI systems during this window.
Impacted Systems
The migration process will impact all GSI systems and storage accounts, including Secure UDS (SUDS), the UDS Data Mapper, and websites hosted by GSI for NCIGF members. We anticipate a total downtime of no more than 90 minutes.
Domain Name System (DNS) Changes
This change will include updates to public DNS records for GSI-hosted websites
Complete propagation of changes throughout the global DNS system can take several hours and is outside our control.
These changes may impact any existing automated connections to our services, so please adjust accordingly
Action Needed
If your organization maintains whitelisted IP addresses for GSI resources or otherwise relies on GSI-specific IP addresses, please let us know so that we can help ensure minimal interruptions in service availability.
More Information
This migration has been scheduled for a day/time of historically minimal activity for GSI systems. If your organization has a critical need to access GSI systems during this window that cannot be avoided, please contact GSI immediately to discuss.
For more information or assistance, please contact Lee Minniear ([email protected]) or 317-464-8097.