Daily Activity Report


The Daily Activity Report is an email delivered by Guaranty Support Inc. (GSI) every day at 6:00 PM EST to both Guaranty Fund Associations and Liquidators. The email is designed to be the canonical report of all UDS Data Mapper and Secure UDS (SUDS) activity which consists of UDS records sent/received, malware discovered on upload to SUDS, and retention summaries for data held on the GSI platform.


Liquidator Sections

UDS Data Mapper Activity

This section refers to files that were placed in the /DataMapper directory on SUDS.

SUDS Retention Summary

This section refers to files that will soon be deleted by SUDS retention (30 days from creation).

Files Available for Download

This section refers to files that were placed in the /FromGF directory on SUDS.

UDS Data Mapper Claims Retention Summary

This section refers to UDS rows that will soon be deleted from the UDS Data Mapper (1 year from last activity on claim)

Malware Scan Results

This section refers to files that were caught in the Microsoft Defender for Cloud pipeline on upload to SUDS.

JSON Data File

This file is a JSON representation of the Daily Activity Report placed in the /DataMapper directory on SUDS.

Guaranty Association Sections

Files Available for Download

This section refers to files that were placed in the /FromGF directory on SUDS.

Malware Scan Results

This section refers to files that were caught in the Microsoft Defender for Cloud pipeline on upload to SUDS.

JSON Data File

This file is a JSON representation of the Daily Activity Report placed in the /UDSdownload directory on SUDS.

Files Sent to Liquidators

This section refers to files that were placed in the /UDSupload directory on SUDS.

SUDS Retention Summary

This section refers to files that will soon be deleted by SUDS retention (30 days from creation).

Rejected Files Not Sent to Liquidators

This section refers to files that were placed in the /REJECT folder on SUDS, usually through automation which triggers on upload to the /UDSupload directory.

UDS Data Mapper Claims Retention Summary

This section refers to UDS rows that will soon be deleted from the UDS Data Mapper (1 year from last activity on claim)

JSON Data File Reference

A JSON representation of the Daily Activity Report is provided to assist in automating retrieval of documents or ensuring only unique data files are actually processed by a given Claims System.