B Record

Unearned Premium

Overview          Record Fields


The UDS B record represents a specific entry that details the refund amount due to a policyholder when their policy is terminated as part of an insurance company’s liquidation process. It stands alone and is not linked to an A record, serving as an essential piece of information for settling policy matters during liquidation.

The term “hardship” is often associated with B records because some insurance companies mandate the cancellation of the existing policy before a new one can be issued. In certain cases, the refund from the policy is the sole source of funding available for the policyholder to purchase a new policy. Given these considerations, B records are usually given high priority, following A records, to minimize inconvenience for policyholders in the midst of liquidation.

B record details are typically included on refund checks, making it crucial to have accurate information regarding the policy, the insured’s address, and the amount to be refunded. Failing to include these details may lead to the rejection of the data by the guaranty funds managing the liquidation.


Record Fields

No Field Name Description Default To
1RECORD TYPEThe value of this field must be “B”B
2INSOLVENT COMPANY NAIC NUMBERThe unique number assigned by the NAIC to the insolvent company for data tracking purposes. For self insured entities this number could also be the Self-Insured Fund CodeNo default allowed.
3FILE LOCATION STATEState to which the physical file/electronic record is being sentNo default allowed.
4FILE LOCATION CODELocation code of the entity to which the physical file/electronic record is being sentNo default allowed.
5COVERAGE CODEDefines the category of coverage that provided protection for the lossNo default allowed.
7RECEIVER CLAIM NUMBERUnique number assigned by Receiver to the claimBlank
8INSURED NAME #1Named Insured’s last name or business nameUDSUNKNOWN
9INSURED NAME #2Named Insured’s first nameBlank
10INSURED ADDRESS #1Address of the Named InsuredBlank
11INSURED ADDRESS #2Continuation of address of the Named Insured if neededBlank
12INSURED CITYCity of Named Insured or C/OBlank
13INSURED STATEThe two-digit code used by the U.S. Post Office to identify each stateNo default if U.S. domestic address. FC if foreign country.
14INSURED ZIP CODENamed Insured’s zip codeNo default if U.S. domestic address. Blank if foreign country.
15DATE OF LOSSThe date of entry of an Order of LiquidationNo default allowed.
16CLAIMANT NUMBERNumber assigned by Receiver to this claimantNo default allowed.
17PAYEE INDICATORF = Federal ID. S = Social Security number.Blank
18PAYEE ID NUMBERFederal ID number or Social Security numberBlank
19POLICY EFFECTIVE DATEThe effective date of the policy covering the referenced claimFor “800” transactions: 19010101 For “815” transactions: No default allowed
20POLICY EXPIRATION DATEThe expiration date of the policycovering the referenced claimFor “800” transactions: 19010101 For “815” transactions: No default allowed
21CANCELLATION DATEThe cancellation date of the policy used by the Receiver based on the Court Order or prior cancellation dateFor “800” transactions: 19010101 For “815” transactions: No default allowed
22CANCELLATION CODECode that identifies the type of policy cancellationBlank
23TRANSACTION CODEA three-digit code that identifies the type of transaction for this recordNo default allowed.
24TOTAL WRITTEN POLICY PREMIUMTotal premium billed including endorsementsAll zeroes
25TOTAL IN FORCE POLICY PREMIUMTotal in force policy premiumAll zeroes
26FINAL AUDIT INDICATORIndicator to identify if policy is to be auditedNo default allowed.
27RETURN PREMIUM AMOUNTReturn premium as calculated by the Receiver or from final audit reportAll zeroes
28UNPAID PREMIUM AMOUNTAmount owed the insolvent company on current year’s premiumAll zeroes
29FINANCE COMPANY CODECode for the premium finance companyBlank
30AGENT CODECode for the agentBlank
31AGENT’S COMMISSION RATEPercent commission company paid agentAll zeroes
32BILLING MODEA = Agency billed. D = Direct billed.Blank
33CLAIMANT NAME #1 C A 30 326-355 Claimant’s last name or business nameInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
34CLAIMANT NAME #2Claimant’s first nameInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
35CLAIMANT ADDRESS #1Claimant’s addressInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
36CLAIMANT ADDRESS #2Continuation of claimant’s address if neededInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
37CLAIMANT CITYClaimant’s cityInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
38CLAIMANT STATEClaimant’s state See State Codes tableInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
39CLAIMANT ZIP CODEClaimant’s zip codeInsured or the actual payee if different. Blank if unknown.
40CLAIMANT PHONE #Claimant’s Area Code and Phone NumberBlank