GSI Data Hub
GSI Data Hub is a web-based application designed to increase visibility and accountability of recurring processes between organizations like Guaranty Funds and Receivers who are collaborating during an insolvency. This accountability takes the form of Tasks with stakeholders and due dates which mirror responsibilities like C Record submissions normally done through Secure UDS (SUDS). GSI Data Hub aims to be the preferred alternative to SUDS by:
- Making interorganizational responsibilities explicit and actionable
- Simplifying data submissions with inline documentation according to the Task
- Providing data validation feedback directly on the web client with relevant suggestions
- Streamlining NCIGF-requested data submissions by including an “Opt-in” flow to allow NCIGF to passively save certain data elements like C Record summaries as a replacement to an annual data collection process
There is no End-of-Life date for Secure UDS (SUDS) because it is still the primary mode of delivery of UDS 2.0 files, but focus on SUDS my change as we evaluate user adoption to GSI Data Hub over the next 5 years.