GSI Data Hub User Guide

GSI Data Hub v2024.11.18

GSI Data Hub is a web-based application designed to increase visibility and accountability of recurring processes between organizations like Guaranty Funds and Receivers who are collaborating during an insolvency. 

This accountability takes the form of Tasks with stakeholders and due dates which mirror responsibilities like C Record submissions normally done through Secure UDS (SUDS).

GSI Data Hub is subject to the same terms as the UDS Data Mapper and SUDS. GSI Data Hub is a free service made to support Guaranty Funds and Receivers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Tasks are created manually or via NCIGF automation for an organization to complete by a certain due date. Tasks like C Record submission include specific instructions, and, when completed, are delivered to the task Reporter via GSI Data Hub or Secure UDS (SUDS) depending on the task type.

Will SUDS get replaced?

Secure UDS (SUDS) is in no risk of losing support within the next 5 years since it has been the definitive place to submit C and D records as defined in the UDS Manual. GSI Data Hub offers some security benefits which may encourage an earlier timeline, but GSI will monitor ongoing adoption and communicate appropriately.

What types of tasks are there?

GSI Data Hub supports C/D Record submissions, NAIC Premium data submissions, NCIGF Summary C/D Records, and Generic File tasks with more on the way. In 2025, GSI plans to implement Reopens Requests with smart completion based on data provided by a Receiver.

What other features are planned in the coming year?

GSI aims to grow GSI Data Hub by making it the preferred Data Submission and Reporting platform for organizations involved with insolvent companies. This means improving C and D Record reportability, streamlining Reopens Requests to Receivers, and ultimately centralizing data stored by GSI services.

Should I use SUDS or GSI Data Hub?

Certain tasks completed via GSI Data Hub like C/D Record submissions will also copy to the recipient’s SUDS folder as if it was uploaded via SUDS. GSI Data Hub aims to be a successor in parallel to SUDS meaning the regular recipient of your files can use either GSI Data Hub or SUDS to retrieve resulting files. Tasks may even mark themselves complete if a target file is observed to have been delievered via SUDS instead.

How is this different from SUDS?

GSI Data Hub aims to be the successor to Secure UDS (SUDS) by mimicking SUDS behavior but with added security, documentation, and validation an FTP environment like SUDS will struggle to match.


Using GSI Data Hub

Open Tasks

After logging in, Open Tasks is the home page of GSI Data Hub. This is where you can view tasks other organizations have assigned to you and tasks you have assigned to other organizations. Clicking on the Task Description allows you to see more detail about a task and present you with a way to complete it. If you accidentally create a Task or for some reason cannot complete a task on GSI Data Hub (possibly because you used some other means), there are action buttons like “Remove” and “Reject” tasks. Doing so will notify all stakeholders of the task and move the task to the Closed Tasks page.

For completing tasks in bulk like monthy C Record submissions, you can click “Choose Files” at the top or drag files onto highlighted areas of the screen to go through a batch submission process. This batch submission process is meant for recurring tasks like C Records where Task Description and UDS File Name are consistent and can be reliably matched together.

Organization Settings (Guaranty Fund)

Different organizations have different settings depending on the organization type. For Guaranty Funds, the only available setting is a consent “Opt In” section for C and D Record submissions. By checking the Opt In box, you agree that NCIGF can passively summarize your C and D Records during submission to satisfy an otherwise Annual data collection process which was done manually in years prior. This Opt In option is observed on EVERY C and D Record submission for your organization, so it is important to have the correct setting from the very beginning.

Organization Settings (Receiver)

Different organizations have different settings depending on the organization type. For Receivers, there are 2 settings for C Records and for D Records. GSI attempted to formalize the responsibility of providing C and D Records to Receivers by creating a system of managed automation. Every day, GSI automation observes settings for every organization and makes decisions on when to create tasks, when to make them due, and who’s responsibility it is to complete the task. The settings defined on this page are what allow you to affect this automation for your organization.

Task Detail

Clicking on a task description either on the Open Tasks page or Closed Tasks page will result in a task detail screen which provides more information about what the task is and how to complete it. The instructions to complete a task will change depending on the task type but a familiar pattern should emerge where there is either a Choose a File button or a Form to complete before clicking “Submit”. After clicking “Submit” your data will then be validated for correctness and may reveal errors about your submission which will be present in red at the bottom of the screen. If, after submitting, you are sent to the Open Tasks screen it means the submission was successful and there were no errors. To verify your task is complete, find it on the Closed Tasks screen.

Note that a task submission is All-or-Nothing. If a task has validation errors, it will not be sent to stakeholders and it will not be marked complete.

Feature Requests & Support

If you encounter any bugs or want to request a new feature for GSI Data Hub, please contact [email protected].